ReferenceZach2019-08-07T11:39:46-07:00 Thank you for responding! We at Dash Delivery truly appreciate your participation in helping us to find ideal candidates. Applicant Reference Check Candidate you are responding for: What is your relationship to this candidate? Supervisor / Employer Friend Family Other What is your relationship to this candidate? What position and responsibilities did this person hold? How well would you say this person responds to supervision? Excellent Very Good Average Needs Improvement Poor How would you rate this person’s attendance? Excellent Very Good Average Needs Improvement Poor How would you rate this person’s dependability? Excellent Very Good Average Needs Improvement Poor What is the reason for this person’s separation from employment? * Voluntary (Quit) Involuntary -Layoff Involuntary – Termination If given the opportunity would you reemploy this person? * Yes No How would you rate this person’s willingness to assume responsibility? Excellent Very Good Average Needs Improvement Poor Would you like to add any additional comments? How would you rate this person’s ability to follow instructions? Excellent Very Good Average Needs Improvement Poor How would you rate this person’s quality of work? Excellent Very Good Average Needs Improvement Poor Your initials * How would you rate this person’s attention to safety? Excellent Very Good Average Needs Improvement Poor What are this person’s strong points? What are this person’s weak points? Your Intials If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit